Neviditelní – the caring
The first out of the two spots for non-profit project Neviditelní, which translates as 'Invisibles', features a social worker - a therapist working in public institution. Although her job is to guide others through difficult parts of their lives, she too experiences struggles. Our job was to showcase her daily problems and depict her deep inner thoughts and worries. I wanted to include a few visual metaphors and also decided to combine the voiceover with the telephone call, as if she herself called for help. Yet, nobody listens...
Talent: Marta Falvey Sovová
Agency: AMI
Director: Martin Janeš
Cinematographer: Jan Kamler
1AC: Jakub Veinlich
2AC: Matyáš Brotánek
Costume Designer: Veronika Varcholová
MUA: Tereza Hužvárová
Edit: Martin Janeš
Grading: Martin Janeš
Sound design: Lukáš Pešek / Deadcat Sound Studio
Production Manager: Bianka Machová
Production Assistent: Lukáš Hylský